Humanity should flourish not because it is suitable for cultivating immortals, not because of heaven’s care, but because they will try their best to spend it on their own whenever it is difficult.

This is manpower. Bixiao mused that their three sisters just knew too little about Terran at the gate. It’s hard to believe that it took Shang Qingjun a long time to say "Qing …" The mouth but don’t know what to say. Embarrassed for a moment, Boyikao worried about his…

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The combination of the four original palaces and four sources of the mountain-shaped nova and the refinement of the light ball has unexpectedly led to an amazing change.

Ordinary mountain star has turned into a town star of Wuyue. One thing is very certain. After that, many people can imitate Xu’s retreat or go back to Xu’s retreat to cultivate the ability chain of Lu Qishan’s character gene and finally solidify the star of Shan’s character. Many people…

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